About Us
Faith Formation
Parish History
Parish Leadership
Parish Office
Social Justice
Right to Life
Prayer Line
Lenten Prayer
Good Friday
Parish Activities
MardiGras 2022
Fathers Day Hike 2011
2011 Gift Basket Bonanza
Tenant Falls Oct 2009
Harvest Festival2009
Auriesville Trip
Harvest Festival2007
For nationwide Mass times and locations, call 1-410-676-6000 or visit Mass Times for more information
We support Catholic Radio
WOPG 89.9 FM
Words of Peace and Goodness

Makes a great gift
ONLY $10.00
More than 160 pages of delectable recipes
and cooking trivia.
Available at St. Thomas after Sunday Mass
and Plaide Palette
45 Main Street in Cherry Valley

"Synod on Synodality" 2021 - 2023
The Diocese of Albany is excited to announce the beginning phase in the worldwide
"Synod on Synodality" initiated by Pope Francis.
The Diocese will coordinate regional listening sessions for its 126 parishes, at which everyone is encouraged to share their opinions
on what they are looking for from today's Church. The listening sessions will be hosted at a central location within each of the seven
vicariates across the diocese. Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger will be in attendance, lead the opening prayer and spend time listening
to the faithful. The sessions will be guided by a facilitator utilizing universal questions and provide the opportunity for small
group breakout sessions.
We have a one year subscription to FORMED.
Formed is the Catholic Faith explained in a series of programs,
audio talks, movies, books, documentaries and studies. Books can
be down-loaded. Over 4000 titles on almost any device! The parish has
paid the subscription so we hope you will check it out.
There is no charge to you to use this site.
1. Go to FORMED.org/signup
2. Enter our parish zip code, 13320 and/or select ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE.
3. Enter your name and email; pick a topic!
Our Diocesan Appeal for 2022 - 2023
will begin soon.
For information go to www.thediocesanappeal.org.
Make checks payable to Diocesan Appeal,
40 N. Main Avenue, Albany NY 12203
Be sure to include your name and the name and location of our parish,
St. Thomas the Apostle in Cherry Valley.
AMEN: A New Free Prayer App!
The Augustine Institute just launched a new app for Prayer: AMEN. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, quoting St. Alphonsus Liguori, makes the remarkable and sober observation that: those who pray are certainly saved; those who do not pray are certainly damned. (CCC,2744)
Pastoral Council's Prayer
"Lord, help us to overcome our fears and forgive all injuries"
St. Thomas the Apostle

1 Church Street Cherry Valley, NY
Mass 10 AM Sunday
Kateri Hall
our Parish Social Hall

13 Church Street
Cherry Valley
Parish Meetings - Coffee Hours - Funeral Repast
Available for Rent
Parishoners and Non-parishoners
call (607) 264 3779 for details
Church Calendar and Events 2022
May 29th - 15th Annual Gift Basket Bonanza - Preview 2-4PM, Drawing starts at 4PM. Cherry Valley Community Center, Genesee Street
Pastoral Council meetings - 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm
Religious Ed sessions: March 13 & 27
Religious Ed sessions: April 10 & 24
Religious Ed sessions: May 8 & 22
Remember, everyday we accept donations for the Food Pantry
in Cherry Valley and Sharon Springs plus items for infants and toddlers
for Community Maternity Services and Birthright.

Parish Office and Staff
Parish House: 24 Maple Avenue - Cherry Valley, NY 13320
(607) 264-3779
Mailing address: PO Box 246 - Cherry Valley, NY 13320
E-mail: stthomascv@nycap.rr.com
- Mrs. Karen Walker, Parish Life Coordinator
Faith Formation Coordinator (cell phone 315 269-8434)
- Visiting Priest
- Dr. Richard Brown, Deacon
- Mr. Randy Ve'lez, Deacon
- Daisy Ford, Prayer Line and Beveavement Repast (607) 264 3212
- Dennis Laughlin & Robert Fucci, Trustees
- Barbara Brown, Cantor
- Ann Hogan, Cantor
- Sharon Pellegrino, Pro Life Action Representative
- Anna Spencer, Sunshine Committee
- Stanley Misiolek, Organist 8:30 Mass
- Linda Lamouret-Goodwin, Organist 11:00 Mass
- Stanley Misiolek, Interim Bookkeeper
 Welcome home...
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